Inspector Gadget Wiki

The M.A.D. Mobile is Dr. Claw's personal vehicle that he uses to do his evil-bidding, like eliminating Gadget, for instance. It is also often used as an escape vehicle at the end of most episodes when a M.A.D. plot is foiled. The vehicle is also highly armed, equipped with missiles, torpedoes, and various types of laser beams.


This vehicle can transform into 3 different modes:

Jet mode[]

Claw uses this mode to travel to around the world on his various schemes and also as his preferred mode when making his escape. In this mode, the vehivle is able to keep up with the Gadgetmobile, but the Gadgetmobile is a little bit faster. Claw also uses this mode to fly up in to space.

Car mode[]

Claw often uses this mode to chase after Gadget (who is usually driving in his Gadget van) or navigate the highways without being seen by the police.

Submarine mode[]

Claw often uses this mode to hide underwater and carry out his evil schemes from there. Whenever his schemes involve the ocean, whether on islands, boats or even underwater, this mode is usually how Claw escapes to avoid detection.

